Prophetic medicine detox for weight loss/green chutney for weight loss/treatment of obesity

  Prophetic medicine detox for weight loss               

     Prophetic medicine detox for weight loss


        Fifty grams of ginger

       Ten grams of mint

       Fifty grams of radish leaves


     Soak in one liter of water for two hours .


    Take it periodically throughout the day .


    Along with cleansing the body, aids in weight loss .



         Fennel seeds kehwa benefits

         Treatment of obesity * The smell of fennel

Due to obesity women often face the problem of stomach acidity, heartburn, gas and constipation .

 this water is perfect for solving all these problems .

Put one tablespoon of fennel in two glasses of water and boil it until one glass of water remains,

 then cover the water with a lid for ten minutes . after that, filter and add half a teaspoon of honey

 and mix well. Drink this water by mouth . Doing this for four weeks continuously will reduce the

 excess belly fat and weight to an amazing extent .


                                                   Green chutney for weight loss

                                                                                     ( A tried-and-tested remedy )               

A tried-and-tested remedy for gas and blood pressure !

It is very effective by the grace of Allah Ta'ala .

        Ingredients :-

                  Ginger 100 grams

                  Garlic 10 yoke

                  3 sprigs of mint

                   Yogurt 250 grams

                  Sugar 1 teaspoon

             Peel the ginger, garlic and separate the mint leaves from the sprigs .

        Put all the above five things together in a spice grinding machine and run this 

        machine for just

        one minute and make a paste and put it in a container and keep it in the fridge .

  How to use?

       A spoonful in the morning

      A spoonful in the afternoon before meals

      A spoonful at night before meals

      It is to be used for fifteen days .

     After that, take only one tablespoon by mouth as long as desired .

    The benefit of using it will be known by the second day of use, God willing .


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