Tried home remedies


                                                               Tried home remedies

( Tried home remedies )

Weakness or fatigue:

If someone is feeling weak or tired, dissolve a teaspoon of sugar and a quarter of a

 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and drink it - one to two glasses will make

 you feel better .

Relief from nausea and vomiting:

  If someone is vomiting or vomiting, take six to seven mint leaves and a quarter

 of a medium-sized onion, tie it in a muslin cloth, crush it with something, extract

  a spoonful of its juice and the patient feed the .

  Feeding it will stop vomiting and diarrhea .

A tried-and-true remedy for old wounds

Olive oil -------- 200 grams

Honey ------------------200 grams

Kalonji -------------50 gms

Mix oil and honey, then add crushed kalonji to it and make an ointment

Prepare . This ointment is useful for old to old wounds and especially for diabetic

 wounds .

Sour belching and heartburn:

    Those who have indigestion, sour belching and heartburn after eating, cut an

     onion and squeeze lemon on it and eat it with food .

     It will improve digestion .

Home Remedies for Respiratory Disease in Children:

   By adding a little salt and molasses to the milk heated with turmeric, the

   children get relief from cold, phlegm and difficulty in breathing . and the

   whistling in the breath stops.

 A useful pear chat:

    Between three and five o'clock in the evening, cut two pears, add lemon and

   light salt and make a chaat of it and eat it. This lick is useful .

   Getting rid of chicken pox scars:

            Bitter almonds------------Three nos

            Walnut Nuts-------------1

            Desi grape vinegar -------------- one tablespoon

     Make a fine paste of both the ingredients in grape vinegar and apply on the

     chicken pox scars .

     After half an hour, wipe it off with a cloth ,

     Two weeks repeat the process daily .

    Marks on the face and body will gradually disappear.

 To remove body heat:

     If the body has become very hot due to some reason and the hands

     and feet are burning, dry coriander and Egyptian mustard should

     be mixed together to make sufof and use half a teaspoon

     with water three times a day , or green coriander mixed with

     Egyptian and sipped. body heat is dissipated by .

              (Referring to Ubqari Kitab: How did I get healed?)

   A sweet remedy for cough:

        Sugar, dry coriander and small cardamom ,( in equal weight)

        Grind  and make a paste .

       Consume 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, it is a wonderful expectorant for

       cough, If the child has frequent colds, grind a pinch of nutmeg in a spoonful

       of water and mix it with honey.

  Rib pain:

      If there is pain in the rib,

     Drink a glass of warm water (as hot as you can drink) after eating 


     Repeating this process after eating will relieve the pain .

   Jaundice treatment:

    Grind four cloves of garlic and mix it with half a cup of warm milk and drink

   it.Drink a little plain milk from above as well, repeat this process for four days 


   God willing, it will happen .


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