Medicinal benefits of fenugreek!
Medicinal benefits of fenugreek Medicinal benefits of fenugreek! Fenugreek greens and seeds are a cure for many serious diseases . Relieves bone weakness and anemia Prevents joint pain, diabetes and sugar in urine . Consuming it regularly relieves cold, fever and nervous fatigue. The pulp of its seeds cures all digestive diseases . Discontinue drinking fenugreek seeds by boiling them like tea . Rubbing its seeds and washing your face two to three times a week will make your hair grow longer. Fenugreek improves the sense of taste and smell . Fenugreek seeds are used in dry and sour . Fenugreek leaves help in the formation of new blood in the body . Fenugreek seeds can compensate for iron deficiency in the body . Relieves back pain . Gives satisfaction in epilepsy and paralytic disorders . Helps to dissolve edema of the spleen . Acts as a corrective in liver defects . Fenugreek help...